Sunday, November 23, 2014

Two congruent plane figures: exercise 1

Catatan ke-6

A. Exercise
Consider the plane figures below, show the couples of the congruent figures?

  • First to all, I have to know the requirements for the congruence of two plane figures. That are:
    • The corresponding lengths are equal; and
    • The corresponding angles are similar.
  • Second, in every tip of the quadrilaterals, I give a letter. Thus, I get the rectangle ABCD, the rectangle PQRS, and the rectangle WXYZ.

  • Third, solution for the rectangle ABCD and PQRS.
    • The followings are the size of corresponding angles:
      • ABC corresponds with PQR, then ABC = PQR = 1000
      • BCD corresponds with QRS, then BCD = QRS = 800
      • CDA corresponds with RSP, then CDA = RSP = 1000
      • DAB corresponds with SPQ, then DAB = SPQ = 800
      • Thus, the corresponding angles has the similar size. It's mean, one requirement is fulfilled.
    • The followings are the length of corresponding sides:
      • AB corresponds with QR, then AB = QR
      • BC corresponds with RS, but BC ≠ RS
      • CD corresponds with SP, then CD = SP
      • DA corresponds with PQ, but DA ≠ PQ
      • I got the corresponding sides has two similar length and two different length. Hence, one requirement is not fulfilled.

  • Fourth, solution for the rectangle ABCD and WXYZ.
    • The followings are the size of corresponding angles:
      • ABC corresponds with XYZ, then ABC = XYZ = 1000
      • BCD corresponds with YZW, then BCD = YZW = 800
      • CDA corresponds with ZWX, then CDA = ZWX = 1000
      • DAB corresponds with WXY, then DAB = WXY = 800
      • The corresponding angles have the same sizes. It's mean, one requirement is fulfilled.
    • The followings are the length of corresponding sides:
      • AB corresponds with XY, then AB = XY
      • BC corresponds with YZ, then BC = YZ
      • CD corresponds with ZW, then CD = ZW
      • DA corresponds with WX, then DA = WX
      • The result, I got corresponding sides are also similar. One requirement is fulfilled. 

  • Fifth, solution for the rectangle PQRS and WXYZ.
    • The followings are the size of corresponding angles:
      • PQR corresponds with XYZ, thenPQR = XYZ = 1000
      • QRS corresponds with YZW, thenQRS = YZW = 800
      • RSP corresponds with ZWX, then RSP = ZWX = 1000
      • SPQ corresponds with WXY, then SPQ = WXY = 800
      • The corresponding angles has similar sizes. It's mean, one requirement is fulfilled.
    • The followings are the length of corresponding sides:
      • PQ corresponds with WX, but PQWX.
      • QR corresponds with XY, then QR = XY.
      • RS corresponds with YZ, but RSYZ.
      • SP corresponds with ZW, thenSP = ZW.
      • I got two similar sizes and two different sizes. Thus, one requirement is not fulfilled. 

  • Based on the description above, I can conclude as follow:
    • The rectangle ABCD is not congruent with the rectangle PQRS because one of requirement is not fulfilled, that is the corresponding sides is not equal in size (BC ≠ RS and DA ≠ PQ).
    • The rectangle PQRS is not congruent with the rectangle WXYZ because one of requirements is not fulfilled, that is the corresponding sides is not equal in size (PQWX and RSYZ).
    • If two requirements for the congruence of two plane figures are fulfilled, thus the rectangle ABCD and the rectangle WXYZ are congruent.
Happy blogging!

Ibnu Kahfi

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